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Response to Sayin' "ciao" to the darkroom...?

from Trib (linhof6@hotmail.com)
in peter's defense(gulp!) we should get things clear,,,,In order to say "ciao" completely to the darkroom you'd need a very, very expensive digital camera or digi-back. And even then to dial in a film speed of say 1600 would create so much noise as to render it useless....so we need to make sure we are talking about scanning and epson printing and essentially screwing our clients with crap that will fade fast...or tango drum scans and lightjet prints .... or such and such with iris...on and on....some digital techniques are simply better than any traditional darkroom print/result but are they available to you at a price you can afford? what is acceptable to you may be out of the question for me in terms of price or quality or availability. The direct write to paper printers that John K speaks of still require processing in wet chems so this isn't strictly a dry digital way of working....

personally if you find a epson print satisfactory ....well, I'll bite my tongue now cause it'd be ugly.

unless you spend up to and beyond 10k for a slow as hell digital back or much more on a mega mega pixel camera that might get you 8x10's in very bright daylight you will still need to shoot film and have it processed and then scanned...to me this is a hybridized process and cannot be called digital....

(posted 8828 days ago)

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