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Response to Which films are good for cross-processing if you want a magenta shift?

from Robert Anderson (randerson1@uswest.net)
I really wanted to know about cross processing, so I experimented with just about every pro-film available. I only listed the ones that yielded usable results and are still readily available here in the US [with the noted exceptions].

RAP crosses well, Fuji E-6 in general yields a more volatile look than Kodaks versions, but Kodak E-6 seems to be the favorite among the big fashion shooters. The basic theory in doing this is that the slower the native film speed, the more whacked out the colors. Ultra 50/RVP = very dense shadows, very cartoony colors. E200/RSX200 = twisted look that you can't quite put your finger on. RHP = think Ellen Von Unworth.

100F [aka Provia III] has a pretty cool look to it. Too contrasty though. The shadows block up REAL bad, and I haven't had the time to shoot it under ringflash/flatter lighting conditions. I'll report back when I have done so, it looks very promising as an attention grabber.

I've given more thought to your original post, and think you should try NPS. Nick Knight has used NPS [very purple/magenta] as published in British Vogue a few years back. He used a ringflash, and got a very "certain" look, but too hard-core for most subjects.

And a couple of more notes: you do not need to bracket once you have figured out your particular set of cause/effect results using your lab. I have never understood the philosophy of bracketing while shooting models. It inevitably ends up that the ONE killer expression/fluid pose/perfect everything ends up on the +/- bracketed frame.

The real fun comes in scanning crossed negs [E-6 processed C-41]. I'll try and get some up loaded, but the requirement of having them posted somewhere is a drag for me, my site is written in FLASH, and I can't add anything to it. I'll work on it, or maybe send you a 10MB email!

Good luck.

(posted 8852 days ago)

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