About the work teams Forum

greenspun.com : LUSENET : work teams : Policy
TeamTalk is an open forum for discussions on teams and teamwork. Feel free to post questions, answers, comments, or just rant. All questions are viewed by Center staff and we will try to provide answers or referrals/contacts when possible. Note: TeamTalk is only accessible to visitors to our website and is not connected to our e-mail discussion group TeamNet. If you are interested in interacting via e-mail, check out the TeamNet Discussion List at http://www.workteams.unt.edu/teamnet.htm To increase the potential for responses try posting to both forums.

How this System Works

This bboard software was written by Philip Greenspun and hosted for free by him started in 1995. Anyone could come in and create a forum and moderate the discussion. Most of the thousands of forums on this server were and are publicly searchable by Google and other Web indices.