About the BDSM a Islandi Forum

greenspun.com : LUSENET : BDSM a Islandi : Policy
Velkomin/n til vefsmpu BDSM a Mslandi ~ar sem ~z getur sent inn spurningnar og/epa svarap spurningum annarra. Hir getur ~z einnig hafip epa haldip uppi almennri umrfpu um vruggt, mepvitap og sam~ykkt BDSM. Vip skorum einnig a sem flesta ap skra sig til ap fa sendar athugasemdir mep netpssti mep ~vm ap velja; "request to be notified" hir ap nepan.

How this System Works

This bboard software was written by Philip Greenspun and hosted for free by him started in 1995. Anyone could come in and create a forum and moderate the discussion. Most of the thousands of forums on this server were and are publicly searchable by Google and other Web indices.