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from Cathy (cathyvpreece@aol.com)

LOOP Walks - South London

Our next challenge for Sunday walks will be to complete the 8 linear walks totalling 54 miles along the London Outer Orbital Path (LOOP) South of the Thames from Erith Riverside to Kingston Upon Thames.

All walks are designed so you can reach the start and return at the end by public transport.

Comfortable footwear is essential.

"Looks like a long way? No worries - the walk's been carefully planned so you can do as much or as little as you want. If you feel you've done enough for the day a breakpoint with a bus stop [or railway station] is never far away.

"On the other hand, if you just need a break, there are lots of pubs and picnic places along the way."

"The Southern Group of LOOP sections starts at the banks of the broad River Thames. It soon strikes out over flat marshland. Tall reed beds and huge skies are all around you. Soon you'll meet the river Cray, which will be your companion for many miles before its delights give way to woods and parkland. Further on, real treasures unfold like the fascinating High Elms Country Park, with connections to Charles Darwin, and the historic West Wickham Common.

"East meets west, as you cross the Greenwich Meridian followed by a climb to the heights of Addington Hills, London's largest heathland, with views clear across the city.

"Now your walk leads you over chalky downs, whose grassy meadows are home to the chalkhill blue butterfly and the rare pyramidal orchid. Keep walking and you'll come to the Happy Valley and the ancient landscape of Farthing Downs.

"See Oaks Park, home of Lord Derby who gave his name to the famous horse race. Also see the remains of one of Henry VIII's palaces. You'll find that following the Hogsmill River on its picturesque journey is the perfect finale to the Blue section as we see it merge with Old Father Thames."

LOOP 1 Erith Riverside to Old Bexley Village - Easy Walking

Walking Conditions

Pick your Walk

"The rivers and skies of this section have something for everyone; you'll see ships going up and down the Thames, as they have since way before the Romans. The local birds use the mudflats as a giant sushi bar, while on what were once landfill sites, you get your fill of wildlife encounters!"


London Charing Cross, Waterloo East and London Bridge frequency at least every 30 mins to and from Erith and Slade Green, and similar frequency to and from Bexley and Crayford Stations. Also, various buses.

OK, so if you're interested, be in touch and we'll set up a meeting time and place, say, 11am at Kennington tube on Sunday? We can get started and stop for lunch at one of the pubs en-route.


(posted 7934 days ago)

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