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Response to Headshot

from Chris Yeager (cyeager@ix.netcom.com)
Actually this is a pet topic-fixation of mine. I fell in love with Pshop 3 years ago for the reason john's using it... You think "oh, that's cheating" until you see what it can do for your own work...

Once a shot is Photoshopped, output is a bit of a problem. Or I should say was, because inkjet papers and printers have come so far so quickly, but trust me its still a rabbithole not for the faint of heart.

Some people wont accept an inkjet print as original artwork no matter how good it looks or how good the paper is. They want a "real" photograph. The best way to make them happy is to take the inkjet print to a service bureau and have them copy and print it. (Or do it yourself if you have the gear and time) They may look at you like you're nuts but if they're any good, and your print is good, loss of detail won't be a factor vs. the improvement in the shot...

john, how do you output post-pshop?

(posted 8371 days ago)

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