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Response to An image for Richard's "dilemma" thread on PoP Forum

from shawn gibson (SeeInsideForever@yahoo.com)
this is a spiritual image to me. according to my own experience/interpretation, it could be 1/2 of an Adam&Eve Kicked Out of Eden sort of thing. but i appreciate those archytypal ideas, whereas a lot of people today (maybe yourself t, i dunno) don't. there's also a dysfunctionalism happening with the severed cock, which fights the very inherint masculinity which is otherwise inherint, creating a very active dynamic for me. it really questions masculinity to me, rather than glorify it, which i think to any man (or woman, indirectly) with open eyes in the last 10 or so years will feel immediately: what the hell is masculinity? a question which will never get old, at least while it still IS a valid concept...

the other aspect which gets me is the age thing, but moreso as a comment on current technology rather than simple youth/death cycling. the man is in great shape, and the...what the hell is that, a jalapeno (sp?) on steroids?...is in extreme antithesis to his health, not merely old compared to his being young. but also, could technology and our current lifestyle trends be the cause of not only the severe condition of the cock, but also its un-attachment to its owner?

it also reminds me of l. bobbitt. ouch.

(posted 8842 days ago)

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