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Tennyson's "Break break break" : an unrivalled expression of the emotion of grief?

from Prabal Ray (Prabal.Ray@uk.abnamro.com)
Isn't this a wonderful poem?

Break break break, on thy cold gray stones, O sea, And would that I could utter the thoughts that arise in me. O well! for the sailor man as he mends his boats on the bay, O well! for the fisherman's boy as he shouts to his sister at play, And the staely ships go on to their haven under the hill, But O for the touch of a vanished hand and the sound of a voice that is still. Break, break, break on thy cold gray stones, O sea, But the tender grace of a day that is dead will never come back to me.

Alfred Lord Tennyson

[You can just imagine the scene. The poet standing on the sea-shore watching the ships on the horizon. In the background every day life goes on. But inside the poet's heart is breaking. It isn't the sea that is breaking against the harsh grey rocks - it is his heart that is breaking aginst the cold stone of grief.

"Would that I could utter the thoughts that arise in me?" How many people have felt like that?]

(posted 9367 days ago)

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