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Response to new alternater???

from brian buck (buck81570@wmconnect.com)
never strike or hammer on an alternator,bad juju.aluminium casting is very brittle if your case[alum. casting] is broken it will have no core value. it is likely carbon dust or underhood dirt has filled the brush holder causing the brush to lose its electrical contact on the rotor auto zone and many other part stores will check and charge a battery for free . once you have established your batt. is good and fully charged your car will start and run for a short time even if your alt. has no output. now auto zone or your fav part store can check your alt while it is in your car . if after charging your car wont start follow the diag. steps in a hain repair manuel or call a reputable shop close to home said shop may have or recomend a wrecker to transport your car. p.s. comming from only employee of alt-star auto electric 1035a n.e. washington blvd. bartlesville,ok.74006 [918] 333 0897 if i can help call
(posted 8089 days ago)

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